Archive | August, 2010

New ebay seller Analytics tool coming soon

30 Aug

I assume you have all seen the new seller tools adverts on ebay at the moment you sign in?

I want to mention here in particular the Analytic tool where by you can see how your listings are performing in all aspects from visits to clicks click through rate and even see how your competitors fair up with same products.

In short thank you ebay at long last now we can analyse the performance of our listings by capturing critical data that will help us identify what needs to be done to increase our chances of making and improving sales.

Its no secret that top sellers use software of some kind to determine how to improve their online business and keep them moving forward by making and increasing sales on a consistent basis

Analytic tools help cut out the list it and hope for the. Best outcome and help produce a more consistent level of sales by showing you what’s working against what’s not helping you make the right choices each and every time.

Read up as much as you can by going to ebay help menu and typing Analytic tool and keep reading until it becomes second nature

Use it or lose it