Archive | August, 2007

learn2sellonline: What characteristics do we need to succeed

6 Aug

What characteristics do we need to succeed?

There have been many a book written on this subject only one or two can really claim to be good the rest well are a complete waste of time however good luck to the authors if they can get at least one person to react they have had a result and a big pay day.
I have been searching for that book that gives it to you straight without being patronizing we want to hear the negatives as well as the positives this is the way to get to the truth and succeed its not just about positives we need the negatives too.

After all yin and yang says one cannot survive without the other for example darkness turns to light and light turns to darkness cold to warm and warm to cold opposites do attract.

So success is to embrace both and understand how to harness both negative and positive when you can do that you will have the way when you have the way you have won.