Archive | June, 2009

Wholesalers are they really cheap and can you profit?

23 Jun

bbcOK its a joke now not mentioning any names here because I am certain to get the balls sued out of me but I just acted on a tip from a source about a wholesaler that had some products that I sell on ebay very cheap.

Needless to say along I went and what a load of nonsense that tip was in fact I could supply (god what I would give to name them grrrr)the wholesaler and they could make a decent profit and so can I.

I decided to summon the manager and asked him how is it that a giant of a company was selling so much dearer than me his answer was simple I don’t have any overheads we do.

Woo hoo hoo like I said before and say again wholesalers are coming to an end unless you find one that’s going up the wall then and only then  you can get cheap stuff to sell for a profit but for now if you want to make serious money on ebay stay away from wholesalers period.
This is a huge subject and one can write endless articles on where to buy products to re-sell and profit on eBay bet it could be the biggest book on the planet.

But that’s the problem so much is written so many magazines millions of Internet links for this wholesaler and that wholesaler its all a load of baloney and the truth is its a load of baloney don’t waste your money.

You cannot make money buying products from a wholesaler they charge too much and by the time you take out all expenses you find its best to pack up and go home.

The only businesses that make wholesalers work for them are corner shops trust me its true I have only been to one wholesaler recommended to me by a power-seller I got out twice as fast as I could and even got my products cheaper from a retailer.

The problem with wholesalers is that they have allowed the general public to buy direct and this has killed it for me, they make more selling singly than in bulk and why not good luck to them after all we are all in business to make money right?

There are countless other avenues and over the next few posts I will go over them one by one you will be a bit shocked as to where you can buy for profit its under your very nose.

We will also be looking at types of products and are they suited to you can you afford to lose money and do you know which products sell well on eBay against the ones that don’t?, and more importantly do you know how to find out which ones are the best ?

Until next time folks I leave you with a bit of contemplation on buying to profit.

but for now its Hasta la vista from me.

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