Archive | October, 2009

Organise Your eBay Business and Your self For Success

7 Oct

If you want your eBay business to succeed you will need to get organised because without any form of organisation there can be little or no success.

If you are to succeed as an eBay business you will need to cultivate the habit of doing only what is important,you will need to understand what to do and what not to do you have to do only what matters and stop doing what does not matter.

And strangely enough the things that don’t matter are the things that are enjoyable,Watching the TV or browsing the net playing games an so on you have to delay gratification if you want to succeed full stop.

Once you develop the habit of putting everything into your ebay business you will do things with ease and reap the rewards don’t be led astray from achieving financial freedom instead you will learn how to develop the habit of concentrated focus which will home you in on your goal for sure.

Take a look at this presentation it has some very good tips and tricks on how best to organise yourself and your business for succeed

Marketing your eBay Trading assistant business

1 Oct

Trading_Assistant_Logo-GIFLike any other business you will need to promote your eBay trading assistant services to local businesses or private individuals which ever one you decide to work for.

There is no need to spend a fortune on advertising or promotions and the best way is for you to be proactive cold call on clients hand out business cards which you can get very cheaply on vistaprint and attend all local network events most of these are free check chamber of commerce and business link.

At these events you have the opportunity in presenting your services to all exhibitors and others who are just visiting you will also find that quite a few will be new start ups that may have cash flow problems and your service may be just the ticket they need to help them generate additional funds to help their business.

You could start with family and friends household items are always good sellers just to get into the swing of things and then graduate on to businesses.

You could even do a car booth sale and generate customers that way, I did this at the begining stages and got quite a lot of work out of it all I did was have a black and white poster made up with the services I offer and was supprised at the number of people that that wanted me to sell on their behalf

Also bear in  mind that private customers will pay up to 50% in commissions for your services.

I suggest you begin with family and friends and build a portfolio of your work asking each person to provide you with written references to use as levers in helping you gain business customers.

Once you have one or two and providing you do a good Job others will follow suit.

This is an excellent way to profit on eBay without investing money in stock low risk business is defiantly one of the ways forward nowadays.

Carry your business cards with you at all times get into conversations wherever you are let everyone know what you do and belive me you will find that first client after the first one the others follow quickly.

Dont forget to add your details to the eBay register so that others will find you there too.

Good luck for now fellow trading assistants dont forget that more information is available on my website at